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Are Your Employees Covered In the Event of a Workplace Injury? First Aid Supplies Every Business Needs To Have On Hand

TWS Supplies

Every industry has some level of risk for an employee incident during its operation. They can range from minor injuries like a small paper cut that won’t stop bleeding to something more serious like a cut on the hand from changing out a saw blade at a construction site. Both incidents would require the need for first aid supplies.

It’s the responsibility of the employer to make sure the proper supplies are on hand to treat the injury or sustain its level of acuity until more professional help can arrive.

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) “In the absence of an infirmary, clinic, or hospital in near proximity to the workplace which is used for the treatment of all injured employees, a person or persons shall be adequately trained to render first aid. Adequate first aid supplies shall be readily available.1

This means you as a business owner need to have a first aid kit that is easy to get to and is stocked with supplies to treat a range of injuries that could occur in your workplace.

How do you know what supplies to have on hand or where to store them?

That’s where the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) comes in. They work to set the minimum recommendation for supplies needed in first aid kits based on what type of industry you’re in and how many employees you have.

How Do OSHA and ANSI Work Together?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a government agency that sets the requirements for workplace safety and enforces them.

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is a private organization that works to set the standards to ensure workplace safety. ANSI standards can be accepted as a requirement if OSHA approves them, therefore becoming enforceable — meaning you could be fined if you don’t meet these guidelines.

OSHA has not yet adopted the ANSI standards of first aid kits as mandatory, but you’re still required to have first aid supplies on hand. Businesses use the ANSI standards to take all the guesswork out of what they need to protect employees.

If OSHA does accept the ANSI first aid kit standards as mandatory down the road, you won’t have to change what you already have on hand and you’ll be set to go.

What Supplies Do I Need In My First Aid Kit?

Don’t know where to start with purchasing a first aid kit to ensure your employees are covered if they need basic first aid? All you need to know about getting set up with a first aid kit is all right here.

According to ANSI/ISEA Z308.1-2015, there’s a minimum set of requirements for supplies and the first aid kits they are kept in for various workplaces.2 This depends on what type of industry you operate and how many employees you have working for you.

Basic first aid kits are listed under classification “A” and every business should have a minimum of these contents readily available. The supplies this first aid kit include:

● Adhesive bandages
● Adhesive tape
● Antibiotic application
● Antiseptic
● Breathing barrier
● Burn dressing
● Burn treatment
● Cold pack
● Eye covering
● First aid guide
● Hand sanitizer
● Medical exam gloves
● Eye/skin wash
● Roller bandage
● Scissors
● Sterile pads
● Trauma pads
● Triangular bandages

As the risk for injuries and potential need for first aid in the workplace increases, industries should also increase the supplies in the first aid kit and choose a kit in the “B” classification. The main difference between the two classes is the class “B” kit will have a splint and tourniquet added to the contents.

There are also standards for your workplace first aid kit container that your supplies are kept in. This depends on the environment of your industry and the potential for damage to the container like moisture, rough handling, or heavy objects falling on it. There are four types of containers for your kit:

● Type I: Fixed, mounted position indoors. The risk of damage to the container is minimal
● Type II: Portable use indoors, the risk for damage to the container is minimal
● Type III: Portable use indoor and/or outdoor and mobile use. Can be mounted if needed and must have a water-resistant seal
● Type IV: Portable use in mobile and/or outdoor settings. The risk for damage to supplies is high in this setting, requiring a heavier duty container.

Who’s In Charge of Your Workplace First Aid Kit and How Do You Use It?

Once you have your first aid kit purchased for your business, there are some things you need to take into consideration:
● Where will you keep your kit?
● Will it be mounted on a wall or intended for outdoor or mobile use?
● Who is going to maintain it by checking expiration dates and restocking supplies?
● How will you make sure your employees know how to use the supplies?

The location of your kit will depend on your industry. If you have a brick and mortar store, you can mount your kit on the wall in a location that’s easy for all your employees to access.

Outdoor industries may need to designate a certain location at their worksite and a kit that can be easily moved depending on job location, or mounted on a company vehicle.

Your kit should come with a basic usage guide and a workplace first aid kit checklist. This will quickly give you a rundown of each of the supplies and how to use them.

Some medications or antiseptics will have expiration dates on them. It is important to designate a certain person or two to check your first aid kit regularly and remove any expired supplies and replace them.

It’s also a great idea to have a short inservice for your employees to run through the supplies and answer any questions on how to use them.

Working With a First Aid Supply Company Takes Out the Guesswork

Don’t have any idea where to start in purchasing an ANSI compliant first aid kit?

Don’t have time to consistently check the supplies and expiration dates or order replacements?

This is why working with a first aid supply company is a huge timesaver when you need to get your first aid kit quickly and ensure you are compliant with industry standards.

TWS Texas Based Safety will provide you with a thorough consultation of what your business needs and they take all of the legwork out of the stocking and maintenance of your kit as well.

We’ll get you what you need quickly and painlessly.

Check out our maintenance program so we can ensure your supplies are stocked properly and never expire.

Our team of first aid specialists do all the work to set you up with your first aid kit so you don’t have to.
There’s no push to sell you products you don’t need and the entire staff is dedicated to keeping your workplace prepared for an emergency.

To contact a consultant for TWS Safety or purchase an ANSI compliant first aid kit online and get it shipped directly to you click here.

1. https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/1910/1910.151
2. https://webstore.ansi.org/Standards/ISEA/ANSIISEAZ3082015?source=blog&_ga=2.219906457.1849728962.1611104747-1782231980.1610726533


In addition to our Free Monthly Toolbox Talk Newsletter, we offer a wide range of services for Texas Based Safety Management System Implementation. Our safety management services provide companies with an internal structure to stay OSHA compliant and reduce the risk of employees who might be exposed to occupational health and safety risks on the job. Our services include , Texas Based First Aid Kit Sales & Refill Service, Texas Based HSE Consulting, Texas Based AED Sales and Rentals, Texas Based Fire Extinguisher Sales and Inspection, and Texas Safety Database Management.